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7 may 2014

Volcanchess Re: 7-man Tablebases and Chess Assistant Standard


El día martes, 6 de mayo de 2014 15:54, ChessOK Newsletter <newsletter-noreply@chessok.com> escribió:

Online Access to 7-man Tablebases!

Our new service providing online access to 7-man Tablebases on tb7.chessok.com until July 1, 2015 is now online! Using this service, you can access the tablebases from any device via a web interface, without having to use the Aquarium or any other software.
Other new features include position sharing, free 6-man tablebases, forum, tablebase statistics, saving positions as favorites and more!
Lomonosov Tablebases allow you to determine if any position with 7 or less pieces leads to a draw or can be won by either side - with 100% certainty.
If the game can be won, the path with the least number of moves until the end of this variation is shown, given that both players make the best moves possible. If the losing player makes a suboptimal move, he will lose sooner and the program will display the new optimal path.

Chess Assistant Standard Released!

Chess Assistant Standard has been released!
If you only need an affordable yet robust database management tool for club and intermediate players, Chess Assistant Standard is your program of choice! Comes with integrated Chess Opening Encyclopedia 2014 and more than 6 million games.
This version does not include Houdini 4, Premium Game Service 2014 and Lomonosov Tablebases access, but has everything else Chess Assistant has to offer.
Check the comparison table to find the perfect software for your needs.

Weekly Deals by ChessOK!

The current special deal is extended until May 12. All offers stack!
Special Offer 1: Order any 2 programs in our web shop and get a 3rd program of your choice (within the price range of the first two) for free! If the two programs you are buying are Chess Package for Club Players (DVD or download) and Chess Package for Intermediate Players (DVD or download), you can choose to receive TWO bonus programs from the Total Chess Training (download) series instead of one.
Special Offer 2: Buy any training program on Tactics (DVD, download), Strategy (DVD, download) or Endgame (download) and receive any single-course program from the Modern Chess Openings (download) section of our shop!
Special Offer 3: 20% off all products in Chess Endgame (download) section. The same discount also remains on all programs in the Modern Chess Opening (DVD, download) and Training Packages (DVD, download) sections.
Special Offer 4: Buy Houdini 4 Aquarium, Houdini 4 PRO Aquarium, ChessOK Aquarium 2014 or any version of Chess Assistant 14 (including upgrade versions) and get online access to Lomonosov Tablebases until February 11, 2015 on http://tb7.chessok.com; you can also choose any program within $25/20 Euro range for free as a bonus!
Special Offer 5: If you order products for more than $120/€100, choose one download programs for up to $25/€20 each as a bonus!
Special Offer 6: If you own ChessOK Aquarium 2012, buy ChessOK Aquarium 2014 and receive Chess Openings Encyclopedia 2014 (download) as a bonus! Put your Aquarium 2012 serial number in the comments field.
Note: Specify the bonus product(s) you want to receive in the comments field when filling the order form.

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click on the following link: this link

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