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14 ago 2011

Vamos Deysi

Saludos a la comunidad ajedrecística
Nuestros mejores deseos y éxitos a Deysi Cori, por su excelente participación en el Mundial Juvenil de Ajedrez

Cuadro cruzado por clasificación después de la ronda 11

Rk.   0 Nombre Elo FED 1.Rd 2.Rd 3.Rd 4.Rd 5.Rd 6.Rd 7.Rd 8.Rd 9.Rd 10.Rd 11.Rd 12.Rd Pts.  Des 1   Des 2   Des 3  Rp
1 RUS WGM Girya Olga 2371 RUS 22s1 44w1 15s1 34w1 3s1 2w½ 4s½ 13w1 12s½ 14w1 8s1 7w 9.5 2254 2272 2291 2545
2 PER WGM Cori T Deysi 2376 PER 29w1 23s1 12w1 4s½ 9w1 1s½ 25w1 14s1 3w1 8s½ 10w1 5s 9.5 2247 2263 2281 2539
3 GEO WGM Paikidze Nazi 2416 GEO 45w1 17s1 8w1 5s½ 1w0 9s½ 21w1 4w½ 2s0 34w1 14s1 6w 7.5 2270 2288 2307 2385
4 ROU WIM Bulmaga Irina 2293 ROU 11s1 36w1 35s1 2w½ 5w1 34s½ 1w½ 3s½ 14w0 12w1 6s½ 9s 7.5 2264 2285 2308 2374
5 IND WGM Padmini Rout 2348 IND 65w1 30s1 28w1 3w½ 4s0 25s0 17w1 6w1 13s½ 20s½ 12w1 2w 7.5 2198 2212 2225 2316
6 RUS Dogodkina Julia 2193 RUS 40w0 68s1 59w1 30s½ 50w1 8s½ 9w1 5s0 39s1 13w1 4w½ 3s 7.5 2123 2147 2175 2235
7 GEO WGM Tsatsalashvili Keti 2318 GEO -0 11w½ 52s1 43w0 41s1 51s1 23w0 50s1 16w1 25s1 20w1 1s 7.5 2021 2040 2057 2199
8 TUR WIM Ozturk Kubra 2258 TUR 37s1 38w1 3s0 44w½ 35s1 6w½ 15s½ 43w1 34s1 2w½ 1w0 10s 7.0 2197 2226 2245 2271
9 KAZ WIM Nakhbayeva Guliskhan 2222 KAZ 52s½ 54w1 43s1 10w1 2s0 3w½ 6s0 30w½ 15s½ 27w1 22s1 4w 7.0 2167 2183 2199 2248
10 SWE WIM Agrest Inna 2220 SWE 51w½ 56s1 50w½ 9s0 42w1 40s1 19w1 12s0 26s1 22w1 2s0 8w 7.0 2108 2131 2159 2185
11 ARG Martinez Ayelen 2011 ARG 4w0 7s½ 14s0 47w1 32s0 63w1 61s1 44w½ 38s1 33w1 26s1 19w 7.0 2103 2143 2181 2168
12 RUS WFM Semenova Elena 2175 RUS 53w1 42s1 2s0 36w1 27s1 15w1 14s0 10w1 1w½ 4s0 5s0 17w 6.5 2213 2246 2268 2248
13 POL WFM Kulon Klaudia 2227 POL 59w0 46s1 45w½ 29s1 30w1 31s1 34w1 1s0 5w½ 6s0 19w½ 18s 6.5 2208 2232 2253 2248
14 AZE WIM Mammadova Gulnar Marfat Qizi 2294 AZE 39w½ 50s0 11w1 17s1 48w1 28s1 12w1 2w0 4s1 1s0 3w0 21s 6.5 2205 2226 2253 2247
15 UZB Tokhirjanova Hulkar 2119 UZB 57w1 16s1 1w0 24s1 18w1 12s0 8w½ 19s0 9w½ 39s1 21w½ 20s 6.5 2167 2199 2237 2203
16 PHI Frayna Janelle Mae 1875 PHI 27s1 15w0 44s0 64w½ 54s1 43w0 45s1 58w1 7s0 35w1 34s1 31w 6.5 2144 2153 2163 2199
17 AZE WFM Fataliyeva Ulviyya Hasil Qizi 2107 AZE 62s1 3w0 41s½ 14w0 52s1 49w1 5s0 37w1 43s½ 32w1 18w½ 12s 6.5 2143 2173 2204 2179
18 IND WIM Kulkarni Bhakti 2317 IND 54s½ 52w1 26s½ 48w½ 15s0 45w1 44s1 27w½ 22s0 23w1 17s½ 13w 6.5 2097 2105 2111 2147
19 RUS WGM Savina Anastasia 2398 RUS 64s1 35w0 22s0 41w1 46s1 38w1 10s0 15w1 27s½ 26w½ 13s½ 11s 6.5 2095 2118 2134 2139
20 VIE WIM Hoang Thi Nhu Y 2204 VIE 42s- 53s1 39w1 23s0 51w0 67s1 42w1 33s1 28w1 5w½ 7s0 15w 6.5 2070 2090 2112 2158
21 VIE WIM Vo Thi Kim Phung 2141 VIE 38s- 57s½ 56w1 54w1 38s½ 26w1 3s0 22w0 51s1 43w1 15s½ 14w 6.5 2040 2060 2082 2144
22 IND Michelle Catherina P 2052 IND 1w0 67s1 19w1 28s½ 25w0 33s½ 40w1 21s1 18w1 10s0 9w0 32s 6.0 2198 2231 2245 2188
23 IND Nandhidhaa Pv 2101 IND 66s1 2w0 63s1 20w1 34s0 27w½ 7s1 26w0 32s½ 18s0 47w1 35w 6.0 2169 2213 2259 2161
24 IND Lasya G 1898 IND 58w1 31s1 34s0 15w0 39w½ 30s0 35s1 32w0 37s½ 44w1 43s1 26w 6.0 2152 2167 2179 2168
25 IND WFM Saranya J 2121 IND 41s0 37w1 49s1 38w½ 22s1 5w1 2s0 34w0 30s1 7w0 29s½ 28s 6.0 2132 2159 2186 2143
26 MGL WFM Lkhamsuren Uuganbayar 2163 MGL 68w1 40s½ 18w½ 50s½ 45w1 21s0 29w1 23s1 10w0 19s½ 11w0 24s 6.0 2118 2142 2165 2133
27 IND Chandika Divyasree 2123 IND 16w0 55s1 51w1 40s1 12w0 23s½ 50w1 18s½ 19w½ 9s0 28w½ 29s 6.0 2104 2129 2158 2112
28 BRA WFM Terao Juliana Sayumi 2168 BRA 60s1 41w1 5s0 22w½ 43s1 14w0 30s½ 38w1 20s0 29w½ 27s½ 25w 6.0 2101 2125 2154 2115
29 IND Pratyusha Bodda 2064 IND 2s0 62w½ 47s1 13w0 61s1 32w1 26s0 41w½ 44s1 28s½ 25w½ 27w 6.0 2097 2127 2162 2101
30 IND WFM Pon Nkrithika 2075 IND 69s1 5w0 66s1 6w½ 13s0 24w1 28w½ 9s½ 25w0 48w½ 41s1 33s 6.0 2093 2129 2162 2097
31 SRB WIM Eric Jovana 2282 SRB 49s1 24w0 64s1 35w½ 44s1 13w0 43s0 39w0 52s½ 53w1 46s1 16s 6.0 2036 2051 2066 2058
32 CZE WIM Olsarova Karolina 2282 CZE 50w½ 39s½ 40w½ 45s0 11w1 29s0 59w1 24s1 23w½ 17s0 38s1 22w 6.0 2005 2017 2032 2030
33 IND WFM Bharathi R 2117 IND 47s½ 63w½ 38s0 60w1 49s½ 22w½ 51s1 20w0 41s1 11s0 39w1 30w 6.0 1965 1979 1993 1976
34 AZE WIM Kazimova Narmin Nizami Qizi 2292 AZE 46w1 59s1 24w1 1s0 23w1 4w½ 13s0 25s1 8w0 3s0 16w0 36w 5.5 2161 2190 2222 2135
35 FRA Forestier Carole 2101 FRA 55w1 19s1 4w0 31s½ 8w0 50s0 24w0 40s1 42w1 16s0 57w1 23s 5.5 2063 2086 2113 2039
36 ECU WIM Heredia Serrano Carla 2072 ECU 67w1 4s0 69w1 12s0 40w0 42s0 53s1 51w0 54s½ 64w1 55w1 34s 5.5 1973 1998 2024 1947
37 IND Sithalatchumi A 1939 IND 8w0 25s0 55w½ 56s½ 62w½ 69s1 47w1 17s0 24w½ 57s½ 51w1 44s 5.5 1946 1962 1979 1927
38 IND Hema Priya N 1885 IND 21w+ 8s0 33w1 25s½ 21w½ 19s0 48w1 28s0 11w0 45s1 32w0 39s 5.0 2181 2194 2203 2096
39 IND WFM Ivana Maria Furtado 2012 IND 14s½ 32w½ 20s0 62w1 24s½ 48s½ 58w1 31s1 6w0 15w0 33s0 38w 5.0 2169 2199 2210 2102
40 IND WFM Mahalakshmi M 1901 IND 6s1 26w½ 32s½ 27w0 36s1 10w0 22s0 35w0 58s½ 54w1 48s½ 46w 5.0 2151 2162 2173 2104
41 IND Arunima Kalra 1867 IND 25w1 28s0 17w½ 19s0 7w0 64w1 49s1 29s½ 33w0 50s1 30w0 58s 5.0 2140 2159 2171 2088
42 IND Sahari J 1911 IND 20w+ 12w0 48s0 63w1 10s0 36w1 20s0 52w½ 35s0 58s½ 59w1 43w 5.0 2114 2135 2160 1990
43 ECU WFM Romero Echeverria Abigail 2071 ECU 63s½ 47w1 9w0 7s1 28w0 16s1 31w1 8s0 17w½ 21s0 24w0 42s 5.0 2111 2141 2174 2037
44 RUS Imeeva Aisa 2094 RUS 61w1 1s0 16w1 8s½ 31w0 59s1 18w0 11s½ 29w0 24s0 60w1 37w 5.0 2090 2114 2142 2022
45 ARM Gevorgyan Maria 2068 ARM 3s0 60w1 13s½ 32w1 26s0 18s0 16w0 53w½ 67s1 38w0 61w1 47s 5.0 2069 2105 2134 1999
46 IND Savetha C H 1992 IND 34s0 13w0 68s1 66w1 19w0 58s0 55w½ 61s1 47w½ 60s1 31w0 40s 5.0 2057 2089 2126 1993
47 IND Sathya Priya S V 1842 IND 33w½ 43s0 29w0 11s0 -1 54w1 37s0 64w1 46s½ 52w1 23s0 45w 5.0 2032 2043 2057 1960
48 CRO Deur Saric Zrinka 2116 CRO 56w½ 51s½ 42w1 18s½ 14s0 39w½ 38s0 60w½ 55w½ 30s½ 40w½ 49s 5.0 2004 2023 2040 1949
49 IND A Akshaya 1966 IND 31w0 58s1 25w0 69s1 33w½ 17s0 41w0 55s0 61w½ 62s1 63w1 48w 5.0 1979 2005 2038 1917
50 BUL Krumova Ani 1961 BUL 32s½ 14w1 10s½ 26w½ 6s0 35w1 27s0 7w0 60s½ 41w0 53s½ 57w 4.5 2147 2176 2212 2057
51 IND Shweta Gole 1922 IND 10s½ 48w½ 27s0 67w1 20s1 7w0 33w0 36s1 21w0 55s½ 37s0 52w 4.5 2105 2139 2164 2002
52 IND Shristi J Shetty 1927 IND 9w½ 18s0 7w0 55s1 17w0 56s½ 57w1 42s½ 31w½ 47s0 58w½ 51s 4.5 2087 2116 2150 1996
53 BEL Degrande Marigje 1890 BEL 12s0 20w0 61s0 -1 56w½ 62s1 36w0 45s½ 59w1 31s0 50w½ 55s 4.5 2010 2039 2065 1900
54 AUS WIM Guo Emma 2029 AUS 18w½ 9s0 57w1 21s0 16w0 47s0 65w1 62s½ 36w½ 40s0 66w1 56s 4.5 2009 2029 2052 1922
55 IND Salini R 1795 IND 35s0 27w0 37s½ 52w0 68s1 60w½ 46s½ 49w1 48s½ 51w½ 36s0 53w 4.5 2005 2018 2030 1929
56 IND Anjana Krishna S 1830 IND 48s½ 10w0 21s0 37w½ 53s½ 52w½ 60s0 57w0 68s1 67w1 64s½ 54w 4.5 1993 2009 2024 1901
57 IND Madhurima Shekhar 1854 IND 15s0 21w½ 54s0 58s½ 67w0 66w1 52s0 56s1 62w1 37w½ 35s0 50s 4.5 1987 2011 2034 1896
58 GER WFM Hannes Diana 2188 GER 24s0 49w0 62s½ 57w½ 66s1 46w1 39s0 16s0 40w½ 42w½ 52s½ 41w 4.5 1917 1926 1935 1838
59 IND Bala Kannamma P 1931 IND 13s1 34w0 6s0 61w½ 64s1 44w0 32s0 67w½ 53s0 65w1 42s0 0w 4.0 2074 2110 2138 1937
60 IND Shetye Siddhali 1890 IND 28w0 45s0 65w1 33s0 69w½ 55s½ 56w1 48s½ 50w½ 46w0 44s0 68s 4.0 2018 2042 2069 1891
61 IND WCM Savant Riya 1743 IND 44s0 64w0 53w1 59s½ 29w0 65s1 11w0 46w0 49s½ -1 45s0 66w 4.0 2012 2025 2037 1863
62 IND Supriya Joshi 1829 IND 17w0 29s½ 58w½ 39s0 37s½ 53w0 63s1 54w½ 57s0 49w0 -1 65w 4.0 1974 2005 2024 1825
63 IND WCM Tejaswini Sagar 1690 IND 43w½ 33s½ 23w0 42s0 65w½ 11s0 62w0 69s½ -1 68w1 49s0 64w 4.0 1967 1992 2013 1818
64 SVK Edes Zsofia 2067 SVK 19w0 61s1 31w0 16s½ 59w0 41s0 69w1 47s0 66w1 36s0 56w½ 63s 4.0 1961 1985 2012 1839
65 ITA Brunello Roberta 2036 ITA 5s0 66w0 60s0 68w½ 63s½ 61w0 54s0 -1 69w1 59s0 67w1 62s 4.0 1873 1893 1918 1724
66 NOR Hansen Erle Andrea Marki 1770 NOR 23w0 65s1 30w0 46s0 58w0 57s0 -1 68w½ 64s0 69w1 54s0 61s 3.5 1997 2026 2047 1804
67 AUS Narenthran Savithri 1693 AUS 36s0 22w0 -1 51s0 57s1 20w0 68w½ 59s½ 45w0 56s0 65s0 69w 3.0 1986 2003 2022 1746
68 MEX WCM Mejia Salinas Lluvia Angelica 1889 MEX 26s0 6w0 46w0 65s½ 55w0 -1 67s½ 66s½ 56w0 63s0 69s½ 60w 3.0 1891 1913 1940 1651
69 IND Nivedhitha J G 1743 IND 30w0 -1 36s0 49w0 60s½ 37w0 64s0 63w½ 65s0 66s0 68w½ 67s 2.5 1939 1967 1992 1643

Cori Deysi & Girya Olga build 2 point lead, Hovhannisyan Robert leads 9/11

GM Adhiban Baskaran (India) With comfortable wins WGMs Cori T Deysi (Peru) and Girya Olga (Russia) built a huge two point lead, in the Girls section, after the eleventh round of the SDAT-RAMCO 50th World Junior & 29th Junior Girls Chess Championships 2011, at Chennai, here today. The leading duo were followed by Padmini Rout (India), Nazi Paikidze, Keti Tsatsalasvili (both Georgia), Bulmaga Irina (Romania) and Dogodkina Julia (Russia) at 7.5 points.

In the Open section, Armenian Grandmaster Hovhannisyan Robert drew his game against Polish GM Swiercz Dariusz and maintained his lead with 9.0 points. Ter-Sahakyan Samvel (Armenia) and Swiercz Dariusz (Poland) follow the leader with 8.5 points. Sharing the fourth spot at 8.0 points were Kovalev Vladislav (Belarus), Durarbeyli Vasif (Azerbaijan), Ray Robson (USA) and Adhiban Baskaran (India). With two rounds to go, the games are bound to intense, as the big medals are at stake.

In an interesting game at the third board, the struggle for supremacy between GMs Ray Robson (USA) and S P Sethuraman (India) went all the way. The Sicilian game saw early exchange of queens, indicating peace may be at the cards in short notice. But that was not to be, as Robson offered a knight on the 17th turn. Refusing to take the bait, Sethuraman pressed for victory, gaining a pawn in the process. But the ensuing rook and bishop ending was executed with accuracy by the youngster from USA, and peace was signed after 71 moves and more than five hours of play. Earlier, the top two boards ended in draws, keeping the lead position unchanged.

GM Norm holder Vidit Santosh Gujrathi showed that he is fine nick, as he overcame Grandmaster Sasa Martinovic of Croatia in 45 moves. Indian medal hopes rest with GM Adhiban Baskaran at 8.0 points in the Open section, while WGM Padmini Rout has an outside chance to match her bronze medal result from the world junior 2010.

Round 11 Results (Open) (Indians unless specified)

Swiercz Dariusz (POL) 8.5 drew with Hovhannisyan Robert(ARM) 9, Ter-Sahakyan Samvel (ARM) 8.5 drew with Adhiban Baskaran (8), Robson Ray (USA) 8 drew with Sethuraman S P (7.5), Durarbeyli Vasif (AZE) 8 beat Roganovic Milos (SRB) 7, Krejci Jan (CZE) 7 lost to Kovalev Vladislav (BLR) 8, Girish A Koushik(7) lost to Rasulov Vugar Ural Oglu (AZE) 7.5, Rombaldoni Axel (ITA) 7 drew with Sjugirov Sanan (RUS) 7, Krysa Leandro (ARG) 7 drew with Shimanov Aleksandr (RUS) 7, Grandelius Nils (SWE) 7 drew with Urkedal Frode (NOR) 7, Vidit Santosh Gujrathi(7.5) beat Martinovic Sasa (CRO) 6.5, Shyam Nikil P (6.5) drew with Matlakov Maxim (RUS) 6.5, Nitin S (6) lost to Salgado Lopez Ivan (ESP) 8, Piorun Kacper (POL) 7 beat Gahan M G (6), Barbosa Evandro Amorim (BRA) 6.5 drew with Salem A R Saleh (UAE) 6.5, Kunal M (6) lost to Shyam Sundar M (7), Anwesh Upadhyaya(7) beat Narayanan S L (6), Ramnath Bhuvanesh R (6.5) drew with Abhishek Kelkar (6.5), Stany G A (6.5) beat Rojas Alarcon Julian Antonio (MEX) 5.5

Round 11 Results (Girls) (Indians unless specified))

Cori T Deysi(PER) 9.5 beat Agrest Inna (SWE) 7, Ozturk Kubra (TUR) 7 lost to Girya Olga (RUS) 9.5, Dogodkina Julia (RUS) 7.5 drew with Bulmaga Irina (ROU) 7.5, Mammadova Gulnar Marfat Qizi (AZE) 6.5 lost to Paikidze Nazi (GEO) 7.5, Padmini Rout (7.5) beat Semenova Elena (RUS) 6.5, Tsatsalashvili Keti (GEO) 7.5 beat Hoang Thi Nhu Y (VIE) 6.5, Kulon Klaudia (POL) 6.5 drew with Savina Anastasia (RUS) 6.5, Fataliyeva Ulviyya Hasil Qizi (AZE) 6.5 drew with Kulkarni Bhakti (6.5), Michelle Catherina P (6) lost to Nakhbayeva Guliskhan (KAZ) 7, Lkhamsuren Uuganbayar (MGL) 6 lost to Martinez Ayelen (ARG) 7, Tokhirjanova Hulkar (UZB) 6.5 drew with Vo Thi Kim Phung (VIE) 6.5, Kazimova Narmin Nizami Qizi (AZE) 5.5 lost to Frayna Janelle Mae (PHI) 6.5, Chandika Divyasree (6) drew with Terao Juliana Sayumi (BRA) 6, Pratyusha Bodda (6) drew with Saranya J (6), Savetha C H (5) lost to Eric Jovana (SRB) 6, Hema Priya N (5) lost to Olsarova Karolina (CZE) 6, Bharathi R (6) beat Ivana Maria Furtado (5), Nandhidhaa P V (6) beat Sathya Priya S V (5), Arunima Kalra (5) lost to Pon N krithika (6), Romero Echeverria Abigail (ECU) 5 lost to Lasya G (6), Deur Saric Zrinka (CRO) 5 drew with Mahalakshmi M (5).

IM Vidit Santosh Gujrathi (India) facing GM Martinovic Sasa (Croatia)
GM Sanan Sjugirov (Russia)
WGM Cori T Deysi (Peru) playing WIM Agrest Inna (Sweden)

Cori Deysi & Girya Olga build 2 point lead, Hovhannisyan Robert leads 9/11

With comfortable wins WGMs Cori T Deysi (Peru) and Girya Olga (Russia) built a huge two point lead, in the Girls section, after the eleventh round of the SDAT-RAMCO 50th World Junior & 29th Junior Girls Chess Championships 2011, at Chennai, here today. The leading duo were followed by Padmini Rout (India), Nazi Paikidze, Keti Tsatsalasvili (both Georgia), Bulmaga Irina (Romania) and Dogodkina Julia (Russia) at 7.5 points.

In the Open section, Armenian Grandmaster Hovhannisyan Robert drew his game against Polish GM Swiercz Dariusz and maintained his lead with 9.0 points. Ter-Sahakyan Samvel (Armenia) and Swiercz Dariusz (Poland) follow the leader with 8.5 points. Sharing the fourth spot at 8.0 points were Kovalev Vladislav (Belarus), Durarbeyli Vasif (Azerbaijan), Ray Robson (USA) and Adhiban Baskaran (India). With two rounds to go, the games are bound to intense, as the big medals are at stake.

In an interesting game at the third board, the struggle for supremacy between GMs Ray Robson (USA) and S P Sethuraman (India) went all the way. The Sicilian game saw early exchange of queens, indicating peace may be at the cards in short notice. But that was not to be, as Robson offered a knight on the 17th turn. Refusing to take the bait, Sethuraman pressed for victory, gaining a pawn in the process. But the ensuing rook and bishop ending was executed with accuracy by the youngster from USA, and peace was signed after 71 moves and more than five hours of play. Earlier, the top two boards ended in draws, keeping the lead position unchanged.

GM Norm holder Vidit Santosh Gujrathi showed that he is fine nick, as he overcame Grandmaster Sasa Martinovic of Croatia in 45 moves. Indian medal hopes rest with GM Adhiban Baskaran at 8.0 points in the Open section, while WGM Padmini Rout has an outside chance to match her bronze medal result from the world junior 2010.

Round 11 Results (Open) (Indians unless specified)

Swiercz Dariusz (POL) 8.5 drew with Hovhannisyan Robert(ARM) 9, Ter-Sahakyan Samvel (ARM) 8.5 drew with Adhiban Baskaran (8), Robson Ray (USA) 8 drew with Sethuraman S P (7.5), Durarbeyli Vasif (AZE) 8 beat Roganovic Milos (SRB) 7, Krejci Jan (CZE) 7 lost to Kovalev Vladislav (BLR) 8, Girish A Koushik(7) lost to Rasulov Vugar Ural Oglu (AZE) 7.5, Rombaldoni Axel (ITA) 7 drew with Sjugirov Sanan (RUS) 7, Krysa Leandro (ARG) 7 drew with Shimanov Aleksandr (RUS) 7, Grandelius Nils (SWE) 7 drew with Urkedal Frode (NOR) 7, Vidit Santosh Gujrathi(7.5) beat Martinovic Sasa (CRO) 6.5, Shyam Nikil P (6.5) drew with Matlakov Maxim (RUS) 6.5, Nitin S (6) lost to Salgado Lopez Ivan (ESP) 8, Piorun Kacper (POL) 7 beat Gahan M G (6), Barbosa Evandro Amorim (BRA) 6.5 drew with Salem A R Saleh (UAE) 6.5, Kunal M (6) lost to Shyam Sundar M (7), Anwesh Upadhyaya(7) beat Narayanan S L (6), Ramnath Bhuvanesh R (6.5) drew with Abhishek Kelkar (6.5), Stany G A (6.5) beat Rojas Alarcon Julian Antonio (MEX) 5.5

Round 11 Results (Girls) (Indians unless specified))

Cori T Deysi(PER) 9.5 beat Agrest Inna (SWE) 7, Ozturk Kubra (TUR) 7 lost to Girya Olga (RUS) 9.5, Dogodkina Julia (RUS) 7.5 drew with Bulmaga Irina (ROU) 7.5, Mammadova Gulnar Marfat Qizi (AZE) 6.5 lost to Paikidze Nazi (GEO) 7.5, Padmini Rout (7.5) beat Semenova Elena (RUS) 6.5, Tsatsalashvili Keti (GEO) 7.5 beat Hoang Thi Nhu Y (VIE) 6.5, Kulon Klaudia (POL) 6.5 drew with Savina Anastasia (RUS) 6.5, Fataliyeva Ulviyya Hasil Qizi (AZE) 6.5 drew with Kulkarni Bhakti (6.5), Michelle Catherina P (6) lost to Nakhbayeva Guliskhan (KAZ) 7, Lkhamsuren Uuganbayar (MGL) 6 lost to Martinez Ayelen (ARG) 7, Tokhirjanova Hulkar (UZB) 6.5 drew with Vo Thi Kim Phung (VIE) 6.5, Kazimova Narmin Nizami Qizi (AZE) 5.5 lost to Frayna Janelle Mae (PHI) 6.5, Chandika Divyasree (6) drew with Terao Juliana Sayumi (BRA) 6, Pratyusha Bodda (6) drew with Saranya J (6), Savetha C H (5) lost to Eric Jovana (SRB) 6, Hema Priya N (5) lost to Olsarova Karolina (CZE) 6, Bharathi R (6) beat Ivana Maria Furtado (5), Nandhidhaa P V (6) beat Sathya Priya S V (5), Arunima Kalra (5) lost to Pon N krithika (6), Romero Echeverria Abigail (ECU) 5 lost to Lasya G (6), Deur Saric Zrinka (CRO) 5 drew with Mahalakshmi M (5).

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Raúl Portocarrero M.


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